Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
As Deputy Comptroller for Special Supervision:
- Led the “loss free” resolutions of Providian Financial, Metris, First Consumers and Household Finance credit card banks by employing creative resolution and loss protection/minimization techniques;
- Oversaw the supervision of all 3 rated and worse banks of the OCC and directly supervised those rated 4 and 5; and,
- Briefed the Comptroller of the Currency (Comptroller) and FDIC Chairman and FDIC board on risk and resolution matters.
As Deputy Comptroller for Credit Risk:
- Surveilled the system for emerging credit risks and threats;
- Identified weakened underwriting practices (ugly loans), subprime lending and leveraged finance as systemic threats; and briefed the Comptroller, the FDIC Chairman, the FDIC and Federal Reserve boards, the Undersecretary of the Treasury for Finance, and the hill;
- Led the development of a number of OCC and/or FFIEC banker and examining policy and guidance, to include, but not limited to;
- Loan Portfolio Management
- Rating Credit Risk;
- Leveraged Lending;
- Subprime Lending;
- Credit Card Account Management;
- Asset Based Lending;
- Commercial Real Estate and Construction Lending;
- Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses; and,
- Third Party Credit Risk.
- Worked with multiple OCC constituencies to improve examiner risk evaluation and rating skills, provide credit and safety and soundness advice on corporate applications, consumer protection matters and capital markets developments and instruments;
- Chaired OCC’s National Credit Committee.
- Regularly in the media (TV, radio, and print) on matters related to credit risk in the system.
As Examiner-in-Charge:
- Led all examination activities for Fleet Financial Group, Shawmut National Corporation, and Chase Manhattan, and also led the loss free resolution of Shawmut National Corporation; and,
- Led Shared National Credit examinations, and Led the examination activities of dozens of community and regional banks