Alvarez and Marsal, LLC (A&M;)
As Managing Director and practice leader for the enterprise risk management and credit risk practice groups within A&M;’s Financial Institutions Advisory Services practice:
- Built out quantitative risk analytics, consumer protection and compliance (CFPB) practice areas, and recruited best in class BSA/AML , and retail credit risk management;
- Led the due diligence for a pension funds on an $8 Billion Leveraged Finance portfolio;
- Led the enterprise risk management program build-out for a large and acquisitive Community Bank;
- Led independent risk evaluations, and guided the regulatory and risk remediation efforts of several institutions in BSA/AML, Safety and Soundness, and Cyber risk;
- Led the liquidity risk management and contingency funding plan and program evaluation and remediation of a $20 Billion regionally oriented bank; and,
- Provided litigation support as consulting and/or testifying expert.
Promontory Financial Group, LLC (“Shadow Regulator”)
As Managing Director and practice area coordinator for Promontory’s enterprise risk management, credit risk, and troubled bank remediation practice areas:
- Led several credit and whole bank due diligence efforts for investment bankers, banks and Private Equity investors;
- Led a number of credit risk evaluations to determine the need for reserves and capital;
- Led OCC supervision preparedness reviews of several large thrifts subjected to a change in primary regulator;
- Led the independent enterprise risk evaluations of a number of institutions subject to enforcement actions and assisted their implementation plans and their enforcement compliance efforts; and,
- Led the compliance risk evaluation and remediation of three large specialty retail lenders whose marketing and execution practices were subject to prudential regulator and CFPB scrutiny and enforcement.
HSBC North American Holdings
As Chief Risk Officer:
- Built out the enterprise risk management organization, framework and program for the top tier Holdco of HSBC’s North American institutions;
- Oversaw and coordinated bank and finance company risk programs;
- Implemented Basel II; and,
- Chaired the Enterprise Risk Counsel of the American Bankers’ Association .